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Friday, January 28, 2011

Going Green

I have stated before that this renovation is happening on a non-existent budget.  However, that isn't preventing us from doing a great remodel.  I thought that we would be keeping the weird mish-mash of appliances for a while, but thanks to my Gran, we get to replace the oldest appliances. (The almond colored cooktop that doesn't match the other white appliances, and the old range.)  Through her consignment store, Consignment Exchange on HWY 69 in McAlester, Gran was able to get fairly new appliances.  They came out of the local district attorney's house when his wife updated their kitchen to stainless.  We will be installing a Jenn-Air ceramic cooktop and Whirlpool double wall oven, which is a huge blessing.  So, we will have a kitchen full of newer, white appliances absolutely free!  How very "green" of us.  I am not into the politics of "green", but I do believe in being good stewards of what God has given.  We get great newer appliances.  They just happen to be white instead of the trendy stainless steel.  White will show fewer fingerprints anyway!

Speaking of being green, I made a trip to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.  It is located at 13th and Sheridan, just west of Sheridan, behind the skating rink.  You can get amazing deals on building supplies that have been donated from remodelers and builders.  I was hoping to find an 18" base cabinet and a countertop, but they didn't have any today.  However, they had a great stock of interior and exterior doors really cheap and we need to replace a few, so Scott and I need to get measurements and head over there in the truck.  They also had several vanity tops that might be a good option to replace our lovely pink one in the master bath.  If you are remodeling, I highly recommend that you check them out, both for supplies and to make tax deductible donations of anything you pull from your house.

Zoe's room is another example of re-using and re-purposing.  Her chandelier is a find from my Gran's store.  It came out of someone's home, rejected, but it is beautiful to Zoe and the perfect size for her room.  Some of the best things can't be found at Lowe's or Home Depot!

Yes, that is a slide on her bed.

As you can see from the pics, Zoe's room is pretty much complete.  We just need to put in quarter round at the baseboards and find a pink shag rug for the floor.  One down and too many to go!

Oh, and before I forget, since we are being green, does anyone need a blue toilet?  Anyone?

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