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Monday, October 17, 2011

The Cine-Gym-O-Mat is Here!

It is amazing how life gets in the way of renovation, but we have made some visible progress - finally!  I wouldn't call the project finished, per se, but the Cine-Gym-O-Mat is usable and functional.  What is it, you ask?  It's a home cinema!  It's a gym!  It's a laundry room!  Ironically, though not yet neatly organized and decorated, it is the most popular room in the house.


The Cine-Gym-O-Mat is fully furnished with a TV, 4 station weight machine with a 300 pound weight stack that doubles the weight for leg presses, a recumbent bicycle, kettle bell, treadmill and 3-50 lb dumbbells with an incline/decline bench.  There is also a washer/dryer, deep freezer and side by side refrigerator/freezer.  A folding table acts as my sorting table for the laundry and a broom stick hanging from the garage door rails by three hangers acts as my clothes hanging area.  We even managed to cram three of our theater seats in there!  Add in a couple of storage units and a bunch of stuff that we don't know what to do with and you have the semi-put together, semi-cluttered room that we now call the Cine-Gym-O-Mat!  (Say it several times, it's fun!)

I think my favorite thing about the Cine-Gym-O-Mat is that I can open the garage door and feel like I am outside.  This time of year it is perfect.  Oh, and the other really nice thing about it is that the only money we spent in there was for the red paint for the wall.  We already had the gym flooring from the old house.  It's not exactly as finished out as we would like, but it works for now, and like I said, it is still the most used room in the house.

Now that the Cine-Gym-O-Mat is fully functional, I am working out daily and welcome company! 

The next completed project will be the downstairs bathroom.  We finally have all of the materials, so we are very close.  Hopefully I will be able to post pictures in another couple of weeks.

Stay tuned ...

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