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Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Know Where I Stand

Thanks to all of the snow, Scott has had 5 days off work to really focus on the renovation. In that time he has made great progress on the kitchen. Yesterday we finally got to the point of installing cabinets. The oven cabinet is ready for the oven to be put in and the other cabinet is ready for a counter top. The half wall is also ready for its counter top, which means that by this weekend I should be able to resurface all of the counter tops, thus transforming my yellow kitchen into something...well, better anyway. We'll have to wait and see how it all turns out.

Ready for counter tops and an oven.

I have continued with flooring, and Tuesday night, as I was trying to fall asleep, something came to me that I really wanted to do. You know the story and significance of Acacia Acres, and most of you should know the priority that God has in my life. To remind myself to daily stand on God's promises and His Word, I felt compelled to write Scripture on the sub-floor before I put in the actual flooring. Now, pretty much anywhere you walk in my house, you will be standing on the Word at some point. 

This one is on the bathroom floor.

This one is at the door to the deck.

At the top of the stairs.

In front of the pantry.

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