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Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's a Kitchen - Almost

Today was an interesting day at "the farm", as my mom and dad call it.  We had all kinds of company.  The Dish Network guy was here installing our satellite dish, so our receivers finally have something to do again.  We also were visited by Scott's parents, my parents, my uncle and my nephew Connor.  I think the satellite guy thought it was pretty funny that we were all just hanging out watching him work - well, except for Dad, who was providing his guidance since he has been in the satellite business for almost 27 years now.  Mom commented that Dad could have installed the thing twice in the time it took this guy.  Anyway, the focal point of every room is now functional  so we can rot our brains with television once again and use it as a babysitter when we are feeling tired or cranky.  (I am kidding of course.)

The progress made on the kitchen today was quite gratifying.  We are so close to having a fully functional AND pretty space.  Thanks to those of you who visit my blog, I have earned $12.26 that can either purchase 11 square feet of flooring for the kitchen, or 4 outlet covers/switch plates.  Your contribution is hereby acknowleged and appreciated! :)

Look what we did.
As you can see, we have the lower counter top installed, as well as the oven and a minifridge for beverages.  Now we just need the white microwave and the secondary countertop to finish off this part of the kitchen.  I am getting very excited about it.

The schedule for tomorrow is lots and lots of flooring.

Zoe is having her daily meltdown wanting to "go home", so I guess this entry is complete.

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