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Monday, October 17, 2011

Cows Gone Wild!

Actually, everything seems to have gone wild.  It has been a crazy month.  I am pretty sure I could write a hit country song based on our experiences!

On September 26th, at about 9:30 am, our dog, Chewie, was outside going to the bathroom when he was attacked by a coyote.  Since he is just a 5 pound Pomeranian, I was not sure what his chances of survival were going to be.  Zach and I rushed him to the vet and were told that he was going to need surgery and to expect around $600 in bills to save him.  I swear this dog has nine lives and so far each of them has cost us about $600!  (He had parvo when we got him as a puppy, thanks to a negligent breeder.)  Anyway, he had surgery and they discovered that his diaphragm was completely torn in two and his stomach and intestines were in his chest.  He was a mess.  Thankfully, he made a miraculous recovery and is still with us.

Chewie with his drains and stitches.  He has staples up both sides.

OK, so part one of the country song covers a sad story with the dog.  Part two for a good country song is that our tractor broke.  Scott has been doing a lot of restoration on it so that we can at least brush hog the land, and he had it running pretty well, but then the rusted wheel broke.  We already needed new tires, but now we need new wheels, which are crazy expensive.  I am pretty sure we could buy a whole tractor for less!  I think a new tractor and a back hoe/front loader will top Scott's wish list for Christmas.  (Not that Santa or anyone else I know could afford them!)  We have ponds that we need to dig out and dirt to move around to help with how water flows on the property.  I think we could stay busy with a back hoe for months with all we would like to do.

Part three of our country song involves cows, and lots of them, with a bull or two thrown in for good measure.  We have a neighbor that has 7.5 acres with longhorn cattle on it.  There is no house or anything, just the livestock.  The fence is a little short, so they keep jumping over to our side.  So far a cherry tree has been the only casualty, but it is a bit disconcerting to have the kids come face to face with a 1000+ pound animal in the yard.  A couple weeks ago a mama cow jumped the fence to birth her calf in our yard.  The result was what Zoe calls the "Dalmatian cow"!  (Oh, and lots of cow patties during the two days she was wandering our land while calming down enough to round up her and the calf without anyone getting hurt.)

The week following the birth, we had a visit from another one of the cows, along with a different neighbor's bull, both of which we were told were a bit squirelly and mean.  I guess rounding up wandering livestock is one way to meet the neighbors.   I now have full appreciation for the old saying, "Good fences make good neighbors!"

The final verse to our country song is dedicated to the fridge dying.  I know, that doesn't sound very "country song-ish, but if you think about it in terms of not having anywhere to cool your beer, that brings us full circle!

Now, we're gonna throw that all into a song, not necessarily in the order I wrote about things, but in there none the less.

Everyone now, to the tune of "The Gambler"...

Got a bull in my pasture
A cow in my front yard
A coyote got my doggie
And then my tractor broke
The fridge ain't a coolin'
No ice in the freezer
Still doin' renovations
And all my money's gone

You gotta know when to hold on
Know when to calm down
Keep being thankful
Despite what's goin' on.
Stuff's gonna happen
It's all a part of livin'
There's not time enough for pouting
With work to be done

Thank you, thank you very much.

P.S.  The kids also found a kitten and brought it home.  The jury is still out on whether that is a good thing!

The Cine-Gym-O-Mat is Here!

It is amazing how life gets in the way of renovation, but we have made some visible progress - finally!  I wouldn't call the project finished, per se, but the Cine-Gym-O-Mat is usable and functional.  What is it, you ask?  It's a home cinema!  It's a gym!  It's a laundry room!  Ironically, though not yet neatly organized and decorated, it is the most popular room in the house.


The Cine-Gym-O-Mat is fully furnished with a TV, 4 station weight machine with a 300 pound weight stack that doubles the weight for leg presses, a recumbent bicycle, kettle bell, treadmill and 3-50 lb dumbbells with an incline/decline bench.  There is also a washer/dryer, deep freezer and side by side refrigerator/freezer.  A folding table acts as my sorting table for the laundry and a broom stick hanging from the garage door rails by three hangers acts as my clothes hanging area.  We even managed to cram three of our theater seats in there!  Add in a couple of storage units and a bunch of stuff that we don't know what to do with and you have the semi-put together, semi-cluttered room that we now call the Cine-Gym-O-Mat!  (Say it several times, it's fun!)

I think my favorite thing about the Cine-Gym-O-Mat is that I can open the garage door and feel like I am outside.  This time of year it is perfect.  Oh, and the other really nice thing about it is that the only money we spent in there was for the red paint for the wall.  We already had the gym flooring from the old house.  It's not exactly as finished out as we would like, but it works for now, and like I said, it is still the most used room in the house.

Now that the Cine-Gym-O-Mat is fully functional, I am working out daily and welcome company! 

The next completed project will be the downstairs bathroom.  We finally have all of the materials, so we are very close.  Hopefully I will be able to post pictures in another couple of weeks.

Stay tuned ...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

How Do You Eat Fried Worms?

I only ask because Zoe's new hobby has netted us an abundance of worm protein.  She has spent the past week carefully searching for her prized friends and has become so proficient that even her big brother is impressed.  It is so funny to me that such a girlie and prissy little girl will spend hours on end digging in the dirt for worms.  When she finds them there is no squeamish response, just giggles of delight.  The more active the worm, the louder she laughs.  It is a joy to watch her having so much fun.  The worm race was very exciting! I have, of course, included pictures.

Zoe has just covered her bounty of worms for the worm race.  The first one out wins!

If anyone needs bait, Zoe is a pro at finding it!

Searching for more worms.

She's tired and dirty after a hard day's worm hunting.

The adjustment to rural living is happening quickly for all of us.  The appearance of a tick or spider on us no longer results in any kind of reaction.  There is merely a calm acknowledgment and a lazy brush off.  That's quite a change from the early days when both kids would scream and dance around at the sight of a bug.  Even I am accustomed to it now.  I still don't want to share my bed with spiders and ticks, but it doesn't creep me out anymore.  I just evict any creepy crawlies and move on.

Scott has spent the past few weekends working on the downstairs bathroom.  He has redone all of the plumbing in the floor and filled the holes back in with concrete, then finished off with a layer of self-leveling concrete to provide a nice surface for me when I lay the flooring.  Today has been mostly electrical work, with the hope of getting to the point of framing in the new wall.  We have the bathtub and toilet standing by in the driveway, just waiting for their new home!

The view into the bathroom from the garage.  (Yes, we really can put it all back together!)

We have still been doing quite a bit of shooting.  Last weekend we had so many cans in the back that looked like we were starting a recycling center.  They made great targets for the kids with their BB guns.  Zoe and Zach are both becoming very good marksmen and take gun safety quite seriously.  I have become a crack shot when it comes to shooting the snakes.  I have taken out another 3 since my last post.  I feel like I need to start putting notches on something to keep track!

Zoe just loves her pink BB gun!

Despite the hot days, we still spend a great deal of time outside.  It is just so beautiful and all of the trees keep us pleasantly shaded.  I am really starting to love it out here!

Looking back over this blog post, I realize that I need to stalk Zach with the camera this week so I can show what he is up to!  Stay tuned ...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Snake ... the Other White Meat

Alternate blog titles for today: "Snake ... It's What's For Dinner" and "Snakes on the Plain"

Where do I begin?  It has been a long time since I last sat down to post.  We have been busy working on all kinds of projects, but most of them are not really photo worthy yet.  Still, I do have a few to show.  The first one is a result of the afternoon's activities.  Zach and Scott went out on the back part of the property to shoot some skeet and while they were back there noticed a number of snakes in the pond.  The new activity became snake shooting.  In total they took out 5 snakes, which appear to be cotton mouths.  (Pause here to shiver and have an Indiana Jones flash or something.)  Here is a picture of one of the casualties.

In light of the events of the day and all of the snakes, the next part of my story really scares me - in hindsight.  Still, it was fun at the time.  The land just to the east of the house has a tendency to become Lake McCarty during rainy weather, or "The Swamp" as my mom and one of the neighbors refer to it.  Anyway, it becomes a watery wonderland for kids.  Zach and Zoe love it, as did their cousin, Connor.  They did a little "Redneck Rafting" out there this week.  I didn't have a boat or any kind of swim float, so I blew up one of the twin sized air mattresses, handed them an old shower curtain rod and off they went for hours of fun.

Thank God for protection for these stupid city folks!  It just looked like too much fun, and while I wouldn't be hanging out in the swamp now, at that age I would have been right in there - snakes and all.  Heck, if you ask Mom, she'd say I'd have brought a few snakes in the house when I was finished!

I think now that Scott has pulled out the guns, we are going to be joining in with neighbors and providing plenty of blasts of our own.  It's nice to fit in!  I got a great shot of Scott on the balcony, preparing for Zoe's first date!

In between shooting snakes and swimming with them, we have done lots of work.  Scott spent several weekends building a new foundation for the storage shed, moving it, building new doors for it and finally painting it.  I neglected to take a "before" picture, but originally it had doors that were rotted and falling off, a floor that was rotted out and a foundation that was leaning at a double digit angle.  Now it has a solid, level foundation, new floor, and new doors.  It is also loaded to the gills with stuff already!

Zach's room is finished except for the space mural and glow in the dark stars.  I would have posted a picture, but it is too much of a mess to be photographed!  He loves it though. 

Scott's newest project is the downstairs bathroom.  It is pretty much gutted and we are preparing to build out the side that was angled off so that a tub will fit.  The plumbing is all going to need to be re-routed, so it is quite an undertaking, but with a little help from our dads he has it figured out.  (Or so we think!)

My projects have been less noticeable - unpacking, organizing and gardening.  The garden is coming along fairly nicely.  If the wild animals don't get to everything first, we should have tons of tomatoes.  My next project is the garage.  I am going to get all of the stuff that we are storing out of it and then clean, paint and put down flooring so that we can use it as living space.  

I finally got on the tractor and did some brush hogging.  (When you have 20 acres, you don't mow, you brush hog.)  It was kinda fun.  I felt like that scene in Footloose until I got the feel of how it shifts.  Now I have this strange desire for a John Deere.  What is up with that?  

Over all, I am mentally, physically and emotionally tired.  I am ready for the renovation to be complete.  Once it is, I will re-evaluate how I feel about being out here.  The amount of work to do to get where we want to be is overwhelming at times and some days I still wonder ... "What have we done?"  Days with snakes and flooding make me wonder too!

P.S. We are still making 2 house payments and really need that to end, so if you have any clout with God, maybe put in a good word for us!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Drum Roll Please . . . Ta Da!

It seems like forever since I have been able to post.  We have worked our butts off with little to show for it until now.  There has been more moving, unpacking, organizing and the day to day things that take up all the time too.  While we have made progress on Zach's room that I could show, tonight's blog entry is dedicated to the kitchen.  It is, after all, the heart of the home.   It is also the room I have been most anxious to complete, and I am sure all of you have been anxious to see how my countertop treatment turned out.  ("Countertop treatment" sounds so much better than saying I painted my countertops!)  Regardless of semantics, the fact is that it turned out great.

Before the unveiling, let me remind you of where we started.

As you can see, we are 99% of the way there.  We still need to do trim around the microwave, but everything else is done.  We removed the range hood and repainted it white, as well as repainting the black accents on it.  Really the only things we bought were the sink, microwave, cooktop and the materials to make the new counter/bar area where we removed the wall.  Everything else was refreshed and re-used.  The countertop treatment turned out WAY beyond my expectations and these photos really don't do it justice.  If anyone needs a relatively easy and inexpensive way to give your kitchen a facelift, I highly recommend it.

With the kitchen complete, all that remains upstairs is the bathroom - which is a biggie.  We have our eye on a nice Jacuzzi tub and are saving up for it.  In the meantime, I will paint the bathroom and install the lights I picked up at the Re-Store for $5 each!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Finally, finally, finally...significant progress!

There's light at the end of the tunnel!  All of the hard work is paying off and things are finally coming together. Last night I finished the last little bit of flooring and we were able to move in some furniture over the weekend.  Saturday night, for the first time in over a month, I did not have to sleep in a sleeping bag and I was more than 4 inches off of the ground.  The master bedroom is pretty much complete, with the exception of moving in our armoir.  I am elated.  It is so nice to have some calm in the chaos.  Here are "before" and "after" pics.  I don't have a great camera, so I can't get a good wide shot, but you get the idea.

Before I went crazy with paint and ripped out carpet.

After, with new flooring, paint, crown molding and the light/fan moved to the center of the room.
With all of the flooring complete, we were also able to bring our dining table out, which makes a huge difference in how things look and feel.  It is nice to be able to have family meals at a real table rather than at our little folding table.

After - room with a view.  We just need a new light fixture and eventually some wood blinds.
 Funny, now that I post it, it doesn't seem like much, but hours and hours of work went into the results you see here.

The kids are really beginning to love it.  Even Zoe is no longer having her meltdowns over the move.  I think having more of our stuff here and getting things in order has helped a lot.  The picnics on the top of the hill and large puddles to splash in don't hurt either!

Zoe is running through there somewhere.

I have been getting lots of exercise here too.  Just walking to the mailbox or to take out the trash is a small workout!  It is so beautiful that I just want to walk around outside all the time.  On one of my walks I need to find a spot for my garden.  It is almost planting time.  I'm even considering getting some chickens so we will have fresh eggs.  Anyone know how to raise chickens?  My mom calls this "the farm", so might as well look the part, right?

Next on the remodel agenda is Zach's room.  He is feeling a bit left out since all of the renovation is occuring upstairs.  He has some really off the wall plans for his room.  Black paint and lots of glow in the dark paint is involved!  I figure he is only a kid once, so why not go over the top with the room?  Creativity is good.

Now that things have come together a little, I am going to go enjoy a soda on my balcony, while looking at the stars and listening to owls and singing coyotes.  Who knew that could be so relaxing and entertaining?!

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Noisy Bird, the Tiny Closet and the Rodent of Unusual Size

Crazy title, I know, but it will all make sense later.  It has been over two weeks since I have had a chance to document any of the insanity, so I have a lot to tell.  I wish more of what I had to tell was about the progress we have made, but unfortunately, that has slowed to what would seem sluggish to a snail.  We work long, hard hours, yet when we are finished, we can barely tell anything has been done.  This is especially true of the flooring.  I know everyone was expecting to see pictures of the finished product, but I am still working on the living room.  The floor prep takes forever.  First, you have to make sure your subfloor is all in good condition.  If not, a little work with a circular saw is necessary to remove the bad piece and then cut a new piece to fit.  In one spot we had to nail new joists to the old ones to bring the floor up a little higher to match the piece next to it.  Once that it is all done, the floor must be scraped of all debris.  In our case there was a lot of joint compound and ceiling texture material that I had to scrape with a trowel.  When that was done, I had to countersink all of the nails, sweep, vacuum, then apply vinyl floor primer.  After that dries, flooring can finally be put down.  You'd think applying what are essentially giant stickers to the floor would be easy, but it just sucks the time, and some days the life, out of you.  Oh, my aching back!

We are living at Acacia Acres now, though we are far from moved.  We began staying here the night before the big blizzard.  Life is across between camping and being on vacation at an unfinished condo.  We were sleeping on air mattresses, but Monday we managed to get our king size mattress over here.  We are still on the floor, but at least it is a real mattress.  For those of you who watch the DIY Network and HGTV, we are a cross between three different shows: "Renovation Realities", "Family Under Construction" and "Design on a Dime".  If cameras were on us, I am sure it would be quite entertaining.  I actually think about that when things get tense or if I am frustrated with a situtation.  It makes me laugh to think what it would all look like on TV.

Since we are not going back and forth between houses, the kids are doing much better thinking of this as home - especially Zoe, who was really struggling.  She has loved stomping in all the big puddles, having picnics on the hillside and going on walks with the dogs.  Both kids are in awe of all the wildlife.  Yesterday we spent time doing something I would never have imagined - watching a beaver swim in our pond.  That's not exactly in our realm of experience.  It was cool though, in a world of short attention spans, that we could be entertained for nearly an hour just watching nature. 

Zach, Zoe and their friend, Clayton, watching the beaver do laps in the pond.

Can you find the beaver?

Another little piece of nature that has become a frequent visitor is the friendly neighborhood woodpecker.  The first day I heard him I kept thinking someone was at the door.  I felt like an idiot when I realized it was a bird!

I am disconcerted that it is not even spring and I was face to face with a rather large, black arachnid in the kitchen last night.  It had the audacity to be on my countertop.  I don't even want to think about what the spring and summer will bring...scorpions, wasps, snakes, more mice (though not if the snakes have their way), mosquitos by the swarm...who knew I was such a wuss?  We met another neighbor and he mentioned bobcats.  What????  He also asked if he could hunt on our land.  Apparently, he has hunted on it since he was a kid, with his dad and uncle.  Seemed like a really nice guy.  I told him sure, as long as he doesn't shoot the kids.  That is one things about living out here - everyone has a gun, and everyone knows how to use it.  That is one area where I fit right in!  It's funny, because in town if you hear a gunshot, you turn on the news to see what happened.  Out here it is just a daily occurance that you tune out after a while and don't even give a second thought.  One day I would wager I heard at least 100 rounds being shot!

I had hoped to post a lot of "after" pictures by this time, but there has not been enough of a change to waste the space on my memory card.  I have about 80 more square feet of flooring down, but nothing is complete.  I did finish the flooring in the master bath, but without the other improvements, it doesn't make for a good picture.  The second tier of the countertop is on, so I will include that, though still not evidence of any great progress.  As a matter of fact, as I write this, I am wondering how we managed to do so little in over 2 weeks.  I want to have a house warming cookout here in the spring to let those who are interested see the place, but at the rate we are going, the Mayan calendar will end before we are anywhere near finished. 

Tier two is almost complete.  We just need to do some filling and sanding, then I can do the countertop treatment.

Oh, we did make minscule progress in one other area - the tiny closet mentioned in my title.  We took the extra cabinets that we removed from the kitchen and put them on the back wall to provide some shelving.  However, that did not solve the problem of Scott's clothes smacking me in the face as I walk through the door.  That is what inspired the C.S. Lewis ripoff title that I originally chose for the blog. Walking into my closet reminds me of them pushing aside coats to walk through the wardrobe in Lewis' Narnia classic.   (I changed the title to the current one, which is more of a nod to "The Princess Bride", because some of my friends had their minds in the gutter.  You know who you are!)

My tiny closet.  You can see what I mean by having to walk through Scott's clothes.  They cover half the door.

 Despite all of the chaos, we still had all kinds of company this weekend.  It was Zach's birthday and he had a slumber party, so parents were here to pick up their kids. We also had a family party, so grandparents and great uncles were crammed around a card table and eating off of TV trays in an unfloored room.  Even in transition we put on a good spread!

I am ready to hit the ground running again tomorrow and will hopefully have more to show for my efforts this week.  Stay tuned for more photos.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's a Kitchen - Almost

Today was an interesting day at "the farm", as my mom and dad call it.  We had all kinds of company.  The Dish Network guy was here installing our satellite dish, so our receivers finally have something to do again.  We also were visited by Scott's parents, my parents, my uncle and my nephew Connor.  I think the satellite guy thought it was pretty funny that we were all just hanging out watching him work - well, except for Dad, who was providing his guidance since he has been in the satellite business for almost 27 years now.  Mom commented that Dad could have installed the thing twice in the time it took this guy.  Anyway, the focal point of every room is now functional  so we can rot our brains with television once again and use it as a babysitter when we are feeling tired or cranky.  (I am kidding of course.)

The progress made on the kitchen today was quite gratifying.  We are so close to having a fully functional AND pretty space.  Thanks to those of you who visit my blog, I have earned $12.26 that can either purchase 11 square feet of flooring for the kitchen, or 4 outlet covers/switch plates.  Your contribution is hereby acknowleged and appreciated! :)

Look what we did.
As you can see, we have the lower counter top installed, as well as the oven and a minifridge for beverages.  Now we just need the white microwave and the secondary countertop to finish off this part of the kitchen.  I am getting very excited about it.

The schedule for tomorrow is lots and lots of flooring.

Zoe is having her daily meltdown wanting to "go home", so I guess this entry is complete.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Know Where I Stand

Thanks to all of the snow, Scott has had 5 days off work to really focus on the renovation. In that time he has made great progress on the kitchen. Yesterday we finally got to the point of installing cabinets. The oven cabinet is ready for the oven to be put in and the other cabinet is ready for a counter top. The half wall is also ready for its counter top, which means that by this weekend I should be able to resurface all of the counter tops, thus transforming my yellow kitchen into something...well, better anyway. We'll have to wait and see how it all turns out.

Ready for counter tops and an oven.

I have continued with flooring, and Tuesday night, as I was trying to fall asleep, something came to me that I really wanted to do. You know the story and significance of Acacia Acres, and most of you should know the priority that God has in my life. To remind myself to daily stand on God's promises and His Word, I felt compelled to write Scripture on the sub-floor before I put in the actual flooring. Now, pretty much anywhere you walk in my house, you will be standing on the Word at some point. 

This one is on the bathroom floor.

This one is at the door to the deck.

At the top of the stairs.

In front of the pantry.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Blizzard of Activity

The blizzard turned out to be a huge blessing for our renovation.  Scott was off from Tuesday through the end of the week, so we had 6 days to work on the house.  (Well, in theory.  Several emergencies interrupted that time, but I'll get to that in a paragraph or two.)

Scott's primary focus was the kitchen and all of the electric.  He installed recessed lights in the living room and in the soffit over what will be the new bar area where we removed part of the wall.  He also moved a couple of light switches and installed some new outlets to fit the updated kitchen layout.  Once the electric was completed, Scott finished off the half wall and soffit.  All that is left to do is the texturing, then we can install the cabinets and counter tops.  We are re-using existing cabinets and modifying them to fit the new space.  We found a custom cut counter top at Lowe's that someone decided not to take, so we got it for a mere $42, which was a steal.  An additional $30 for wood gave us the materials we need to do the new counter and bar area.  None of it matches, but I have a fix for that and will let you all in on it next week sometime when we are ready for that part of the renovation.  Scott also finished the oven cabinet and got it stained.  It looks great.

The oven cabinet under construction.  So many possible captions, but I will leave you to your own creativity!

The new, dimmable, recessed lighting in the living room.

While Scott worked, I did quite a bit of playing with the kids.  After all, all work and no play makes me cranky!  We made a great sled run on the hill.  It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work.  Hiking up a hill in 14 inches of snow reminded me how far from young and in shape I am!
Our sledding hill

After play time, I got down to work.  I started with ceiling paint, touching up various spots and then painting over where I had repaired a crack.  Once that was completed, I focused on flooring and managed to finish the master bedroom and closet.  I have started on the master bath and hope to finish the upstairs by the end of this weekend.  To that end, I also ripped out the linoleum in the bathroom and kitchen.

In the midst of the blizzard and our attempt to get as much renovation done as possible, we had to stop and brave the roads on Wednesday to make a trip to the vet for one of our dogs who had her eye popped out of the socket by one of the other dogs.  That was an unfortunate economic hit and a time suck.  The dog had to stay overnight, so we had to get out again on Thursday to pick her up.  Not to waste a trip out in the ice and snow, we were given another reason to venture out.  That morning the hot water started coming out brownish yellow.  Upon inspection of the water heater, Scott determined that we needed to replace it ASAP or it could rupture.  So, we added a trip to Locke and another big, unexpected bill.  That was a very unappreciated double whammy!  Keith Olbermann reportedly Tweeted that all of this chaos was caused by Sarah Palin, but I personally blame global warming.

Oreo and her eye emergency.

Undeterred from the distractions and financial hits, we plodded on and Scott thinks he sees light at the end of the tunnel.  I am just to the point of even seeing the tunnel though!  We came back to house #1 last night to pack up more stuff and get more supplies.  Tomorrow we will head back out to do more renovations - hopefully with fewer distractions and financial surprises this time.  (Well, unless it is a good financial surprise.)  I think by the end of the week we can get the kitchen pretty much together except for the counter top treatment and backsplash.  Appliances should arrive on Monday.  The master bedroom is ready to move furniture in, so two rooms down, 4 to go upstairs.  Despite all the work and craziness, we are really enjoying our new home.  Maybe I do see a little sliver of light after all.

Camping out in the den on blow-up mattresses and the couch

Zoe shoveling the driveway

Zoe enjoying sledding on the hill.

A rare moment of sibling harmony